Learn to think like small factory in caring the customers and colleagues in living together, no line barring each other and everyone takes part physically, mentally and in thought as the person of same family.
Learn to teach each other, helping everyone to be knowledgeable, expertise in knowhow about techniques, management including support EQ in working with each other.
Learn to practice your mind, in working in speed and orderliness. Every work is at urgency without decision hanging; decisive to make decision without fear of wrong step in line of command by making decision procedure as short as possible.
Train yourself to specialize in one thing to be the best in that thing at least one thing or more if you have the love to really do it.
Be open-minded in accepting knowledge, find knowledge no matter it comes from whom; find out new chance, format that it is successful before to learn and do it, learn to improve even at culminating point, in jumping.
Set your target high to exert your physical strength, will power, brain power and every power from yourself and from others to success in work as intended.