Policy on Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment

  • 1. The safety in work is the duty of all employees at all levels to co-operate collectively to ensure safety for each person and colleagues including the company’s property.

  • 2. The company supports training and enhancement of environment and safety working procedure including the promotion of safety in every department.

  • 3. To have improvement in workplace at safe level on the use of machinery, equipment which is safe and suitable materials.

  • 4. To impose regulations on working method and safe practice which must be recorded in Work Regulations or Job Order.

  • 5. Every supervisor must conduct training and acts as an example for other employees on safety laws.

  • 6. Every supervisor must control subordinates to have knowledge in proper use of safety equipment.

  • 7. Every supervisor is liable for safety of subordinates and machinery and equipment, tools and working conditions.

  • 8. All employees must take care with cleanliness, orderliness of the workplace.

  • 9. All employees must co-operate in Safety Project on Occupational Health and Working Environment of the Company.

  • 10. The company shall conduct follow-up on the implementation in safety policy, occupational health and environment in work to control its compliance seriously and at maximum efficiency.